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Event Innovation Spotlight: Mars at the Visualsoft Reload Summit Manchester 2024

On September 11th, the Visualsoft Reload Summit 2024 took place at The Lowry Hotel in Manchester, focusing the hottest topics in eCommerce and digital marketing. The summit drew hundreds of delegates from across the UK and featured industry leaders, marketing professionals, and top sponsors such as Google, TikTok, and Shopify.  At the networking sessions, one unexpected guest stole the show – Mars, the innovative Advertising & Catering robot from NEOS Robotics.

The Role of Mars 

Mars was introduced as a surprise addition to the event, integrating technology with hospitality. The robot served not only as a helpful assistant but also took event marketing to new heights. Here’s what Mars brought to the event:

  1. Catering on Wheels: Mars navigated the venue with ease, serving snacks and refreshments during networking sessions. Its smooth, autonomous navigation ensured that attendees could enjoy a quick bite without interrupting their conversations or missing out on the next sessions.

  2. Sponsorship Visibility: Perhaps one of the most exciting features was Mars’ built-in HD screen, which offered advertising space for event sponsors. During the Visualsoft Reload Summit, Mars displayed sponsor logos and speaker details, providing additional exposure for brands like Google and Shopify.

  3. Real-Time Information: Attendees benefited from Mars’ ability to deliver real-time updates on the event agenda, session timings, and keynote speakers. It also encouraged social media engagement, prompting guests to share their experiences online and boosting the event’s visibility.

  4. Entertainment and Engagement: Beyond its practical roles, Mars also brought entertainment value to the event. The robot can display music, greet guests, and even sing birthday songs, adding a unique and extra layer of fun to the event atmosphere.

Delegates Reaction

Guests were initially unsure of what to expect as Mars rolled into the room, especially given the busy atmosphere of the summit. However, as Mars distributed refreshments throughout the event, it quickly became a crowd favourite, with attendees eagerly capturing moments with the robot on social media. Delegates were also surprised at Mars’ ability to navigate the crowded space, effortlessly avoiding obstacles and ensuring smooth interactions. 

Many commented on how futuristic the experience felt, and several were impressed by how Mars blended into the event atmosphere. One delegate remarked, “I’ve never seen anything like this before at an event – it’s exciting to think how technology like this will continue to change the way we experience events.”

Organiser’s Comment: A Success Story

Becky, the Marketing Manager at Visualsoft, was thrilled with Mars’ performance at the event. In a post-event interview, she shared her thoughts:

"It was brilliant working with the team at NEOS Robotics. Mars was a hit with the crowd, it was great to see people interacting with the robot which sparked conversations among the delegates and increased the event’s exposure on social media. People weren’t expecting to see something so innovative at our summit. The robot truly enhanced the networking sessions, and we received much positive feedback about it."

Becky further highlighted how easy the collaboration was with NEOS Robotics, noting that the team provided all the support needed, allowing her and her colleagues to focus on delivering a successful summit. 

Addressing Common Concerns: Safety & Performance

As with any new technology, there are natural concerns about safety, particularly in crowded spaces. However, Mars was equipped with cutting-edge features to ensure smooth operation:


Mars comes with front and rear 3D cameras that enable it to detect obstacles in real-time. With its advanced obstacle avoidance system, Mars can stop instantly and reroute when an obstacle is detected, ensuring no collisions occur. During the Visualsoft event, Mars operated for 8 hours without any issues, navigating seamlessly through a crowded environment.

Battery Life

Mars can operate for up to 10 hours on a single full charge, making it ideal for all-day events like conferences, trade shows, and summits. For events that last longer, Mars can be charged during breaks or less crowded times.

Floor Compatibility

Whether it’s on hard or soft flooring, Mars moves effortlessly on different surfaces.


Mars has four trays, each capable of holding 10 kg, allowing it to carry a range of items such as refreshments, brochures, or promotional materials.

Speed & Customisation

The robot’s speed can be adjusted to suit the event’s atmosphere, ensuring smooth interactions with guests.

Bring Mars to Your Next Event

Mars is not only a fun addition to events, it’s a practical, engaging solution for a variety of event needs. Whether you’re looking to entertain guests, distribute refreshments and marketing materials, or provide advertising space for your sponsors, Mars can do it all. With the ability to customise its functions to fit your event’s theme, it’s a versatile tool that can drive engagement and enhance the overall experience for your attendees.

Interested in having Mars at your next event? Get in touch today to learn how Mars can make the most out of your event.

Event Robot Booking Manchester


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